Words Visz

Seeing is believing. Belief generates faith. Faith is power to move and create.

Here is some code snippet that might be helpful to visualize the text words like a tree. I created so that I can see the regex pattern codes used in a sold product.

import pandas as pd
from treelib import Node, Tree
from collections import defaultdict

class display_data():
    def __init__(self, data=[]):
        self.data = pd.Series(data)
        self.sam = defaultdict(int)

        # create a temporaray fns
        def get_first_charecter(item_number):
            item_number = str(item_number)
            if item_number:
                return item_number[0]
            return '@'
        # PERFORMANCE: SUGGESTION - pass not any self.fns to `map` fns.
        self.all_char_families = sorted(set(map(get_first_charecter, self.data)))
        # update N-gram Dict

    def reset_sam(self):
        self.sam = defaultdict(int)

    def update_sam(self):
        '''Parse each code in N-Grams fashion and update `sam` dict.'''
        if self.sam:
        sam = self.sam
        data = self.data
        def update_code_to_sam(code):
            tmp = ''
            for char in str(code):
                tmp += char
                sam[tmp] += 1
        for code in data:

    def get_char_family_data(self, char):
        '''Builds tree data for a Specific Charecter.'''
        sam = self.sam
        tmp = sorted(list(sam.items()), key=lambda x: x[0])
        char_family_data = list(filter(lambda x: x[0].startswith(char), tmp))
        return char_family_data

    def charecter_show_tree(self, data):
        '''Builds tree and displays data.'''
        tree = Tree()
        for node_name, count in data:
            title = node_name + '(' + str(count) + ')'
            if len(node_name) == 1:
                # Narent Node
                tree.create_node(title, node_name)
                if count > 10:
                    tree.create_node(title, node_name, parent=node_name[:-1])

    def show_char_family(self, char):
        '''Main Tree plot to collect data and show as tree.'''
        update_sam = self.update_sam
        if not sam:
        char_family_data = self.get_char_family_data(char)
        print(char, '- Family Datasize is', len(char_family_data))
        if char_family_data:
            # if data exists


#  making 10 copies as 10 is min to show in tree
tmp = display_data(['a', 'aaa', 'a', 'aaa' , 'a',
                    'aaaa123', 'a123', 'a1233', 'adf13',
                    'aabbb123', 'ab123', 'abb1233', 'adbbbf13',
                    'abc', 'abcde', 'abs', 'absol', 'absolute',
                    'ab', 'abo', 'abov', 'above'
                    'ab', 'abe', 'abel',
                    'abraham', 'abe', 'abra'
                    'c', 'c1', 'c2', 'c3',
                    'd', 'd1', 'd2', 'd4',
                   ] * 10 )

print(tmp.all_char_families, tmp.show_char_family('a'))


a - Family Datasize is 58
├── a1(20)
│   └── a12(20)
│       └── a123(20)
├── aa(40)
│   └── aaa(30)
├── ab(160)
│   ├── abc(20)
│   ├── abe(30)
│   ├── abo(30)
│   │   └── abov(20)
│   ├── abr(20)
│   │   └── abra(20)
│   └── abs(30)
│       └── abso(20)
│           └── absol(20)
└── ad(20)

['a', 'c', 'd'] None