Python II – OOPS Notes

Classes and methods

object-oriented language: A language that provides features, such as user defined classes and inheritance, that facilitate object-oriented programming.
object-oriented programming: A style of programming in which data and the operations that manipulate it are organized into classes and methods.
method: A function that is defined inside a class definition and is invoked on instances of that class.
override: To replace a default. Examples include replacing a default value with a particular argument and replacing a default method by providing a new method with the same name.
initialization method: A special method that is invoked automatically when a new object is created and that initializes the object’s attributes.
operator overloading: Extending built-in operators (+, -, *, >, >, etc.) so that they work with user-defined types.
dot product: An operation defined in linear algebra that multiplies two Points and yields a numeric value.
scalar multiplication: An operation defined in linear algebra that multiplies each of the coordinates of a Point by a numeric value.
polymorphic: A function that can operate on more than one type. If all the operations in a function can be applied to a type, then the function can be applied to a type.

Sample Example of a Class

>>> class game():
    name = '30 seconds race'
    def start_race(self):
        print 'Time up!!'

>>> test = game()
'30 seconds race'
>>> test.start_race()
Time up!!

Sample Example of a Class(part 2)

class Point:
    def __init__(self, x=0, y=0):
        # initialisation method
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
    def __str__(self):
        # output for print function on this class
        return '(%s, %s)' % (self.x, self.y)

>>> p = Point(3, 4)
>>> print p
(3, 4)

Sample Example of a Class “operator overloading”(part 2)

class Point:
    # previously defined methods here...
    def __add__(self, other):
        return Point(self.x + other.x, self.y + other.y)

>>> p1 = Point(3, 4)
>>> p2 = Point(5, 7)
>>> p3 = p1 + p2
>>> print p3
(8, 11)

Classes multiplication – magic functions

def __mul__(self, other):
    return self.x * other.x + self.y * other.y
>>> p1 * p1
(9, 16)

Class & Scalar multiplication

def __mul__(self, other):
    return self.x * other.x + self.y * other.y

>>> p1 * 10
(30, 40)

How to compare two classes?

To compare the contents of the objects—”deep equality”—we can write a function to check if both are same class and has same attributes

How to check if two variables are point to same information?
we can ‘is’ for checking if two variable/objects are representing same.

>>> class car():

>>> a = car()
>>> b = car()
>>> a = b # assigning 'b' to 'a'
>>> a is b
>>> a == b

>>> a = car()
>>> b = car()
>>> a is b
>>> a == b

How to copy two objects?

Default pkg – copy has
– copy function which does as following


  • deep_copy function which we can use for copying(two diff. objs but same* parameter)
>>> import copy

>>> a = car()
>>> b = car()
>>> a = copy.copy(b)
>>> a is b
>>> a == b


All the example here may be or may not be connected to each other depending on the need. Be wise & understand where & how you can use this functionality for your need.

Getter and Setter Method

class Square:
    def __init__(self, height=0, width=0):
        self.height = height
        self.width = weigth

    # getter
    def height(self):
        print(“retriving the height”)
        return self.__height

    # setter
    def height(self, value):
        if value.isdigit():
            self.__height = value
            print(‘InputError: only numerical value pace’)

Note: Check the setter and getter method added for Square class

  • Actual value if height is stored in another variable called __height
  • Keyword @property for getter method
  • Keyword #.setter for setter method

Methods – class methods

def whoami():

Class Methods: It does not matter if class is initialised, it just works.


  • keyword to note is staticmethod
  • Inside params there is no self

Magic Method

def __str__(self):
    return “know thyself”, self.__name__,, self.hp

Note: This method gives a meaning result when you print this object otherwise you will only see an instance’s meta data which you won’t understand.


class Mammal(Animal):
    def __init__(self, birthType=”born alive”,…):
        Animal.__init(self, birthType, appearance,…._:
        self.__new_features = new_feature

    def new_features():
        return self.__nurseYoung

    def nurseYoung(self, nurseYpung):
        if nurseYoung.isalpha():
            self.__nurseYOung = nurseYOung
            print “nurseYOung has to be a string”

Note: Look at is init method

  • We used parentheses in the Class Name as we using inheritance – otherwise not required.
  • This class called its parent class Animal & then does the initialisation using Animal’s init and then
  • For extra variables added variable with its custom getter & setter methods


    def __str__(self):
        ## appending super’s output & printing a new info
        return super().__str__() + “ and also nurse their young”

Note: This method is to call its parent & use its out and then makes its own new with added information.

  • Parent already has that method.

Function Overload / Operator Overload ==> no. of input variables is not fixed

# In Python - type casting setting is Dynamic
# In Java, C - its static Type Casting
##  def sumAll(self, a_int, b_int, c_int)
##  def sumAll(self, a_int, b_int, c_str)
##  def sumAll(self, a_int, b_str, c_str)

def sumAll(self, *args):
    sum = 0
    for i in args:
        sum += int(i)
    return sum

Note: This method works for any number of inputs number* whether given as number or strings


def tell_me_whp_are_you(object):
    print(‘my name is’, object.__name__)

Note: This method works for any object/instance that has name attribute, it does not matter what kind of object it is.

Magic method (part2) (Already shown once above for str)

def __add__(vector1, vector2):
    vector1.x += vector2.x
    vector1.y += vector2.y
    vector1.z += vector2.z
    vector2 = vector1 # repoint & del vector2
    return vector1

Note: Like init, this add can help you create basic functions like add, sub, multiplayer, div, mod-modulus.

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