
Welcome to Inlovewithcode.                                                                                 (2 mins read)

In terms of technology, I guess my interests are around Application Development. 

What passionates me, is bringing the connectivity from Technology to End Customer.

In terms of non-technology, I have good communicational skills(Presentations, Blogs, Sharing Knowledge)

I also have little domain understanding of Banking & Health Care Sectors while my technical strengths are Application Development, some knowledge of ML, Automating things with Python, a little intro of Systems Admin Devops and more of Data Engineering. In my part-time, I write this blog which keeps track of all the important notes I share.

This blog is also to share my personal learning to benefit other:

To help myself and some juniors.

You can get in touch  – Linkedin & GitHub

My answers for an interview

Q. What excites you as a software developer?

In my opinion programming(software development) is a highly creative profession where I get paid well for engineering things that create value for business.

In a layman terms Software development is like a cycle and at each step, a developer get to gathers different experiences

  • Software Designing/ Architect: In real life, similar to NASA building a spaceship to Moon.
  • Data Engineering: Similar to building tallest towers in the world like Burj Khalifa or the Q1 in Queensland. Challenges are always unique for each client.
  • Machine Learning: Like the Nobel laureate scientists, we work diligently in building value insights from big data
  • Automation: Witchcraft of Software world
  • Bug fixes/Operations: Computer vs Player, sleepless battles
  • Learning & Teaching: This is training young astronauts, scientists, wizards and gamers.
  • Documentation & Training: Like literature, writing a book or learning to sail.

As an IT Professional, I enjoy constantly learning so many of these skills everyday to improve my skills for building a better value to my customers than yesterday.

Q. Your thoughts on current trends in software development and how you adapt to future changes in technology?

Software product development has evolved from IT Business Corporations offering the standard software products for all to Client asking for tailor fit products. I believe, this pattern is about to repeat in a much larger scale with popularly trending cloud technologies, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence(AI).

Since Big Data is the new oil required for all Business requirements, this creates a huge demand for people like myself who are good at Software Engineering, Architects, Data Sciences and can quickly adopt and grow.

Q An innovative product/solution that you’ve recently initiated or been a key contributor of, from inception to marketable prototype/production-ready.

Client 1: In GCP, I built an elastic big data processing architecture for a genomic blood sample product. This product can process all the genes and give a complete report of present & future health problems in 45 mins. Without my processing architecture this job used to take 9 – 12 hrs. (One person team, Startup Client)

Client 2: In AWS, within one month I built a health care claims processing systems. This is to replace old data architecture that no logging, tracking and analytical information to improve and cannot handle big data.(One person team, Startup Client)